Thursday, November 1, 2007

So much to say and so little time

Hi Everyone!

Your very own BNI Member is back to talk about those things that we don't talk about during meetings. Member drama. Well, let me start that the first month of my term as Vice President has come to a close. Amazing how time flies. Let's see if I can list for you the drama that has gone on in a month.
  • We had a member so upset about the membership committee not approving a prospective member that he filed a complaint and didn't show up for almost a month.
  • We lost a Membership Committee person because they could not be bothered to go to training.
  • We auction off plants.
  • We spent a half hour discussing holiday party plans.
  • We may very well be losing two members because of a miscommunication.

On a more positive note:

  • We inducted two new members who seem to be very excited about joining and are ready to dive right in.
  • The one membership committee member that we do have is fantastic and very eager to help grow the chapter.
  • We have a president who is excited about her new position but I'm not sure she has the "IT" factor.

All and all we're doing alright. As I said on my first post, I absolutely love BNI and it has been invaluable to my business life, as well as some aspects of my personal life. And as much as you see of the negative stuff that goes on within my own little chapter, I love them all as well...well most of them.

I think I'm going to start going point by point and describing all of our members to you. This way, I can refer to specific people and you will all be acquainted.

Member's note: The meeting starts at 11:30. Be there by 11:30. Not 11:45. I swear to you that I will send everyone a letter who tries to stroll in after 11:35. It's disruptive, distracting and some other "di" word. You go to the meetings to network and to get referrals, not to have a 5 star dining exerience. Remember that.

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